

I have consciously re-revised all that I want to do at work. Now focusing on some very core things for the new server. Get LDAP working. Get distcc on all the computers. Get all the computers to authenticate using LDAP. Set up Roundup on the server. The End. Nothing more… I need to start working on Fresco again. What shall I work on? I don’t know. I’m very interested in scons and ICE but we’ll see if I can learn that. I have no idea how to divide my time up efficiently any more. I’m so tired, I feel like I’m running out of time and I don’t seem to be making any headway in things I want to do. No more NEWS! [sigh]Just read email instead [groan]. Ah well, lets ignore the email as well. I really want to go to sleep. Hmm – would like to motor down to Waterloo to meet Kurt this weekend. Would be a good idea. Need to do more coding in my personal time. A _lot_ more coding.

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