ArchiveMay 2003

A Friday to Remember

It appears that I have been reduced to writing a blog entry once a week. I suppose however, that that is much more preferable to countless entries with the following subject matter: “Work today...

What Do I Want?

I’m sure the title of this article will give pause to any reader. After all, what will one read within? Is it fit for a work environment? I imagine that these are potential thoughts entering...


I moved into my temporary residence in Waterloo today. Its hard not to feel like a transient when you’re uprooted every four months. There are a few days of discomfort while you shed your old...


I’ve added two new icons to the side bar. One links to my ICQ information. I’m almost always on ICQ, so if you _really_ need to get in touch with me, that’s the way to go. The...

The day before

Tomorrow I move into my room at Waterloo… I’m not really looking forward to it – it means a lot of work and a lot of pain. However, I guess I will be learning a lot of new concepts...