ArchiveJanuary 2005


Unbeknowst to me I’ve developed a soft spot for GM over the years. I know. Shocking. I like cars from a slew of companies including Pontiac, Mazda, Audi, Ford and (believe it or not) Volvo. Me...


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It’s truly time for me to change blog hosts.


Yesterday – work. Today – writing. Since I’ve arrived at home all I’ve done is write. I think I need a break from my new bestest buddy – Mr. Qwerty HomeRow (aka...

DSLR Part I. Introduction & Handling

I’m busy today but there’s always time to write a bit. D-SLR. Abbreviation. Digital Single Lens Reflex. Most versatile photographic tool available. Pricing As I mentioned yesterday...

Next Computer

My next computer will be a beast. No. Really. I have over 700MB+ of RAM on this machine and for the first time today while running through my very basic workflow I got a warning. “Virtual...