ArchiveApril 2005

Son of a….

Sequence of events: Allen asks to be placed on guest list for club Stupidly, Allen does not give his customary email address due to spam concerns. Gives another instead, having...

French Women Don’t…

“How to indulge and avoid the bulge” “Reading this book makes me want to go out and buy a pound of leeks and champagne” Riiiiight. At the end of my day I walk from my office...

Passing Roy Thomson Hall

“I’m going to kill you!” The escalator is unimpressed. “Going to kill all of you!” His arm rises, index outstretched, a palpable tremor at its tip. The tiled wall, office-building...

High On Life

1 large cup of vanilla-hazelnut 1 espresso shot 1 medium cup of generic 2 and a 1/2 cups of Ethiopian spiced tea 1 large cup of Paradiso And I’m in bed. Every 15 minutes eyes pop open...