ArchiveJanuary 2007

Well Then

It looks like the Friday, February 23rd showing of Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk is completely sold out. I so did not expect that…
That said, I think I grabbed the last ticket :O

Well, Looks Like I’m Screwed…

According to latest research, South Asians (i.e. me) have a higher risk of getting heart attacks at an early age. [scans article] Right. Up to “five to 10 years earlier than among those from...


I’ve realized that the bibliography tools out there suck. I’m sure there’s a market for a well-designed reference manager that can handle a large database, store attachments, has a...

Painted Veil

If there’s one reason I’d watch the Painted Veil, it’d be the sweeping orchestral score. Listening to even a piece of it on the trailer was an uplifting experience…

Living In A Fog

I am a poor sleeper. No, I take that back. I’m a very poor sleeper. Since my third year of undergrad at UW I’ve rarely had an uninterrupted night’s sleep – something many...