ArchiveJune 2004


Heaven hath no rage like love turned to hate.Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.

oh man.


I think an explanation might be in order. Over the past few days, no entries for this current month have gone up. This is not because I haven’t been writing them (far from it!) but because...

My Past

I’m really disappointed in the quality of entries from my past (cira August 2002 ~ March 2003). Reading over them I notice an immaturity that I wish I didn’t have and it troubles me. At...


I had originally written a long and very complex entry here. On reading it, I realized something. I cannot publish this. It just touches on too many things, too many aspects of my life, too much...

End of my tether

This entry will be significantly shorter than the previous ones to date for one very simple reason – I can no longer function at the level required to write a lengthy entry. For the past few...