ArchiveMarch 2003

Man…I Hate TAL

Worked on the tracker at work today. After struggling with it for quite a bit and getting close and personal with javascript and hackish stuff I got everything working. Sad part – I...

Euro Stalls

Talked to Justin this morning. He was hesitant and would not even say whether he was interested in going. He wouldn’t even say that it would be a good idea/fun time to go with us. [shrugs]I see...

Waterloo…In Good Circumstances!

Bah, woke up after 5 hours of sleep with a bleeding headache and an inability to fall asleep again. Curled under the blankets _hoping_ that Morpheus would find me – but to no avail. Stumbled...

Slow Day

Ordered my computer desk today… Hopefully my monitor will fit very comfortably on it.


Today has been an … unusual day. First, there was the usual flaming on OS News about how Microsoft products (specifically Office 2003) was better than Star Office and how the new XML format...