ArchiveNovember 2003

Eclipse and the VEP

I’ve always liked programming in Java (despite all the Java detractors out there). Yes, it has its faults – but what language doesn’t? At any rate, I’ve been outspoken in my...

Python IDEs

Well, I think I can truthfully say that I am totally unsatisfied with every Python IDE I’ve tried so far (with the exception of TruStudio, which I couldn’t test since Eclipse 3.0 M5...

Expectations of Speed

I have a desire to see things proceed quickly. This is, in general, a good thing – but not without drawbacks. It gives me an inflated expection as to how quickly I can ‘get into’ a...

Python and more

Probably the language I most enjoy programming in is python. Unfortunately, one thing sticks in my craw when programming in python and that is the inability to find an ide that I truly enjoy working...

Oh man…

I have too many ideas, too many wishes crowding my mind out. Just about every second thought I have is “Wouldn’t it be nice to…”., “Why couldn’t we...